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Updating Function Module RFC_GET_STRING

  1. Do you use a function module prefix setting in your BW connections? Check in SAP BW Connection properties

    1. If you do not use a function module prefix → nothing has to be done. SOLUTION REACHED.

    2. If you use a function module prefix → continue with step 2

  2. Is your SAP BASIS version SP higher than or equal to 7.40 SP27, 7.50 SP23, 7.51 SP13, 7.52 SP09, 7.53 SP07, 7.54 SP05, 7.55 SP03 or 7.56 SP01?

    1. If the SP is higher than or equal to → delete the function module prefix in the SAP BW connections and save it. SOLUTION REACHED.

    2. If the SP is lower than → continue with step 3.

  3. Is your SAP BASIS version higher than or equal to 7.51?

    1. If your SAP BASIS version is higher than or equal to 7.51 → download and install the transport or create it manually described here or use Performer Suite v24.2 or higher to update the function module. SOLUTION REACHED.

    2. If you SAP BASIS version is lower than 7.51 → create the function module manually described here or use Performer Suite v24.2 or higher to update the function module. SOLUTION REACHED.

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